New Ways to Connect at Holy Spirit Church

The Church of the Holy Spirit is a vibrant Christian community with a rich history dating back to 1875

Located in a picturesque neighborhood, the church’s stunning Gothic Revival architecture is a true landmark, drawing admiration from both locals and visitors alike. The intricate stonework, soaring spires, and magnificent stained-glass windows create an atmosphere of reverence and awe, inviting all to experience the divine presence.

As a member of the Episcopal Church, the Church of the Holy Spirit upholds the traditional values and practices of this denomination while embracing a spirit of inclusivity and openness. The church’s mission is to spread the love of Christ through worship, service, and community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging for all who seek spiritual nourishment and guidance.

Worship Services and Events

Service Times
The Church of the Holy Spirit offers multiple weekly worship services to meet the diverse needs of our parish community. On Sundays, we have a traditional service at 8:30 AM featuring classical hymns and choral music. Our contemporary service at 10:45 AM incorporates a lively band and modern praise songs. We also have a Spanish-language service on Sundays at 12:30 PM to minister to our growing Hispanic congregation. During the week, we offer a Wednesday evening prayer service at 7 PM.

Special Events
Throughout the liturgical year, the Church of the Holy Spirit celebrates many special events and holy days. Our Christmas and Easter services are particularly festive, featuring beautiful music from our choirs and instrumentalists. The children’s pageant on Christmas Eve is a beloved annual tradition. During Lent, we have weekly Stations of the Cross devotions on Fridays. Other special events include the Living Nativity, the Blessing of the Animals, and outdoor services on the church lawn.

Recent Sermons/Homilies
Our talented clergy deliver thought-provoking and inspiring messages each week. Recent sermon topics have included “Finding Joy in Difficult Times,” an exploration of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, and a series on the Beatitudes from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. The homilies aim to provide spiritual nourishment while relating scriptural teachings to modern daily life. Printed copies are available, and audio recordings are posted on our website.

Community Outreach Programs

The Church of the Holy Spirit is deeply committed to serving the local community and providing support to those in need. Our community outreach programs are a cornerstone of our mission, and we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families in our area.

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is a vital resource for families struggling with food insecurity. We collect and distribute non-perishable food items, as well as fresh produce, to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry. Volunteers work tirelessly to sort, organize, and distribute the donated items to those in need.


We understand that homelessness is a complex issue, and we aim to provide a safe haven for those without a permanent residence. Our shelters offer a warm bed, hot meals, and access to essential resources such as counseling, job assistance, and housing support. Our dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to create a welcoming and supportive environment for our guests.

Counseling Services

Life can present numerous challenges, and we believe in offering a listening ear and guidance to those in need. Our counseling services provide a safe and confidential space for individuals and families to seek support for mental health issues, addiction, grief, and other personal struggles. Our team of licensed counselors is committed to helping individuals find healing and hope.

Youth Programs

Investing in the next generation is a priority for our church. Our youth programs offer a range of activities and opportunities for personal growth, including mentorship, tutoring, sports, and artistic expression. We strive to create a nurturing environment where young people can develop their talents, build self-confidence, and form lasting friendships.

Volunteering Opportunities

At the heart of our community outreach programs are the dedicated volunteers who generously give their time and talents. We offer a variety of volunteering opportunities, from serving meals at our shelters to tutoring children in our after-school programs. Volunteering not only benefits those we serve but also provides a sense of fulfillment and connection for those who participate.

Our community outreach programs are a testament to the compassion and generosity of our congregation. We invite you to join us in making a difference in the lives of those around us, one act of kindness at a time.

Church Leadership and Staff

Rev. Michael Johnson, Senior Pastor

Rev. Michael Johnson has served as the Senior Pastor of the Church of the Holy Spirit for the past 15 years. With a deep passion for biblical teaching and a heart for community service, he has been instrumental in the growth and spiritual development of the congregation. His engaging sermons and compassionate leadership have inspired many to deepen their faith and live out the values of the gospel.

Rev. Sarah Thompson, Associate Pastor

Rev. Sarah Thompson joined the church staff three years ago as the Associate Pastor, focusing on youth and family ministries. Her energy and creativity have breathed new life into these programs, fostering an environment where young people can explore their faith, ask tough questions, and grow in their relationship with God. Sarah’s relatable approach and genuine care for the next generation have made her a beloved figure among the church’s families.

Mr. David Wilson, Director of Music

With a background in both classical and contemporary music, Mr. David Wilson has been leading the church’s music ministry for over a decade. His talent for blending traditional hymns with modern worship songs has created a rich and diverse musical experience that resonates with people of all ages. David’s passion for excellence and his ability to bring out the best in the choir and worship team have made the Church of the Holy Spirit’s music program a true highlight.

Ms. Emily Roberts, Administrative Assistant

The backbone of the church’s operations, Ms. Emily Roberts has been the Administrative Assistant for the past five years. Her organizational skills, attention to detail, and warm personality have made her an invaluable asset to the staff and congregation alike. Emily’s dedication to ensuring that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes has allowed the church to focus on its mission of spreading the love of Christ.

Faith Formation and Education

At the Church of the Holy Spirit, we believe in nurturing the spiritual growth of individuals across all ages and stages of life. Our faith formation and education programs are designed to deepen your understanding of the Bible, strengthen your relationship with God, and equip you to live out your faith in meaningful ways.

Sunday School

Our vibrant Sunday School program caters to children from preschool through high school. Through engaging lessons, interactive activities, and age-appropriate curriculum, we aim to instill a love for Christ and a solid biblical foundation in the hearts of our young ones.

Bible Studies

We offer a variety of Bible studies throughout the week, providing opportunities for in-depth exploration of Scripture. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to the faith, our Bible studies cater to different levels of understanding and provide a supportive environment for learning and discussion.

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry is a dynamic and welcoming community where teenagers can connect, grow in their faith, and develop lasting friendships. Through weekly gatherings, retreats, and service projects, we encourage our youth to embrace their identity in Christ and discover their unique calling.

Adult Education

Recognizing the importance of lifelong learning, we provide a range of adult education opportunities. From topical studies to book discussions, our programs are designed to challenge and enrich your spiritual journey. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your knowledge or explore new areas of interest, our adult education offerings have something for everyone.

Through our comprehensive faith formation and education programs, we strive to nurture a community of disciples who are rooted in God’s Word, committed to personal growth, and equipped to share the love of Christ with the world around them.

Church Facility

The Church of the Holy Spirit has a rich history deeply intertwined with the growth and development of our community. Originally constructed in 1872, the church building stands as a testament to the enduring faith and dedication of our founders.

Over the years, the church facility has undergone several renovations to ensure its continued functionality and preservation. The project also included the installation of a new pipe organ, enhancing the musical experience during worship services.


More recently, in 2018, the church embarked on an ambitious expansion project to better serve our growing congregation.  The expansion also included the installation of energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, reflecting our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Looking ahead, the Church of the Holy Spirit has exciting plans for further enhancements.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry is a dynamic and engaging program that nurtures the spiritual growth and development of our young people. Through fun and interactive activities, Bible studies, and service projects, this ministry empowers our youth to embrace their faith, build lasting friendships, and develop a strong foundation for their future.

Young Adults Ministry

The Young Adults Ministry is a vibrant and inclusive community that provides a supportive environment for individuals in their 20s and 30s to explore their faith, build meaningful relationships, and navigate the unique challenges of this life stage. Through fellowship events, small group discussions, and service opportunities, this ministry fosters spiritual growth and a sense of belonging.

Upcoming Events Calendar

Special Services:

  • Lenten Retreat (March 25th-27th) – A weekend of spiritual reflection, prayer, and renewal as we prepare for Easter.
  • Good Friday Service (April 7th, 7pm) – A solemn commemoration of Christ’s crucifixion through scripture readings, hymns, and meditation.
  • Easter Sunday Masses (April 9th, 8am, 10am, 12pm) – Joyous celebrations of Christ’s resurrection with uplifting music and decorated sanctuary.

Programs and Fundraisers:

  • Spring Rummage Sale (April 22nd, 9am-3pm) – Donate gently used items or shop for bargains while supporting church ministries.
  • Mother’s Day Plant Sale (May 13th-14th) – Beautiful flower and vegetable seedlings for sale after all Masses.
  • Vacation Bible School (June 19th-23rd) – A fun-filled week of faith formation for children ages 5-11.

Social Events:

  • Parish Picnic (June 4th, 12pm-4pm) – Food, games, and fellowship for the whole family on the church grounds.
  • Young Adult Hiking Trip (July 8th) – Outdoor adventure and spiritual reflection for ages 18-35.
  • International Food Festival (August 26th, 6pm-9pm) – Taste delicious cuisines from around the world prepared by parish members.

Stewardship and Giving

he Ch Giving is an act of worship and obedience, and we encourage our members to give cheerfully and generously according to their means.

Tithes and Offerings

Tithes and offerings are the primary sources of funding for our church’s ministries and operations. We encourage our members to practice regular, consistent giving as an expression of their faith and commitment to the church.

Fundraising Campaigns

Throughout the year, we organize various fundraising campaigns to support special initiatives, missions, or projects. These campaigns may include events, drives, or special offerings. Our goal is to involve the entire church community in these efforts, fostering a spirit of generosity and unity.

Volunteer Needs

The Church of the Holy Spirit relies heavily on the dedicated service of our volunteers. We encourage members to prayerfully consider donating their time and talents to various ministries and church activities  Every contribution, no matter how small, is valued and appreciated. Together, we can make a lasting impact in our community and beyond.

News and Announcements

New Youth Minister Joins Staff
We are thrilled to welcome Sarah Johnson as our new Youth Minister. Sarah brings a wealth of experience working with young people and a passion for nurturing their spiritual growth. She will be overseeing all youth programs, including Sunday School, youth group activities, and mission trips.

Expanded Food Pantry Hours
To better serve our community, the church’s food pantry will now be open on Wednesdays from 3 PM to 7 PM, in addition to the regular Saturday hours of 9 AM to 1 PM. This expansion will provide greater access to those in need of food assistance.

Sanctuary Renovation Update
The long-awaited renovation of our sanctuary is progressing well. The new stained-glass windows have been installed, and the updated lighting system is nearing completion. We anticipate the sanctuary will reopen for services in late August, just in time for our annual Homecoming celebration.

Call for Volunteers: Habitat for Humanity Build
Our church Holy Spirit committed to providing volunteers for the upcoming Habitat for Humanity build project in our community. We need able-bodied individuals to assist with construction tasks from July 15th to August 15th. No prior experience is necessary, just a willingness to serve. Please sign up at the welcome desk.

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